Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Gilly or sould i say Kauts

This lovly girl is Kauts some like to call her Gilly ....what ever flots your boat right!?
well i love katya she is so sweet and funny if you want somone you can count on and love you hole life and will always be there for you and make you laugh and share secreats with  and be your best friend well that that's my Gilly for you i am so lucky to have her in my life Kauts fixes all my mistake i honesty don't know what i would do with out my darling Gilly

Kauts you're my angle sent from above

Monday, March 14, 2011


It's a number one killer I'm telling ya all you want to do is sit in your room and cry for days
hoping that it will all go way...
I just want summer,summer is what I Want,summer is what I need
BOGS is how Abbey would have put it oh how i love that girly!
SUMMER  where are you...